General information to the website and functions will be added here

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Joining process

The registration form is the entry point to the platform for all movers: the initiatives, project groups or city administrations that wish to become a part of Europe Bottom-Up. It is not possible to register on the platform as an individual, only as a member of a mover organisation. If you wish to join a project group, please reach out to the respective group and request an invitation. If you are already a member of an initiative, project group or local administration that is on the platform, please request an invitation directly from them. If you would like to join a project group as an individual, contact the group and request an invitation form them.

As we carefully review all registrations, please consider that it can take up to 7 days for your request to be validated. Thank you for your patience – we look forward to co-creating Europe together!

Accounts and permissions

Movers are project groups, initiatives and city administrations that are registered on the Europe Bottom-Up platform.

Members are the individuals that contribute to and administrate the project groups, initiatives and city administrations (the movers). Every mover organisation has an administrator, who is in charge of the contents of the movers´ page (description, image, contact information) and can add new members to the group.

Members can post new projects and use all the functionalities of the platform – forum, workspace – but cannot add new members to the mover’s group or change the group description or the contact information. Admin rights can be shared between several people in the group.

To add members to a project group, an initiative or a city on the platform, please contact the group’s page’s admin and give them your email – they will add you.

Don’t hesitate to contact the Europe Bottom-Up administrators if you have any questions: contact@europebottomup.eu


About Forum

Registered users have the opportunity to discuss the project ideas that other users have posted or to open new discussions by posting contributions via the Forum function of the platform. Contributions can be made in any language and the members can decide if their posts are made public or only accessible to other registered users of the platform.

Contributions must be fact-based and neutral in tone; they may not be insulting and may not have content that is prohibited under criminal law or civil law. For further guidelines on communicating on the site, please see our Netiquette, which is available for review online here.

About Workspace

Registered users are given access to a Nextcloud account with a storage space of XX MB.

The workspace provides the following co-working tools: file sharing, email, calendar, audio/video, text chat and a project management tool.

Nextcloud provides a safe, secure, and compliant file synchronisation and sharing solution on servers that you control. You can share one or more files and folders on your computer, and synchronise them with your Nextcloud server.

Nextcloud Groupware is a bundle of apps which consists of a Mail-client (IMAP/POP3) and a Calendar and Contacts server (CalDAV/CardDAV) with the respective web interfaces.

We complete those productivity tools with Deck, a project management tool which allows you to create Kanban-style task boards and share them with your team.

If you need any help using the workspace, don’t hesitate to check out the user manual

Terms and conditions

Section 1 – Host, content and substance of the services provided

(1) The host of the online presence www.europebottomup.eu (referred to herein below as the “Platform”) is Stiftung Zukunft Berlin, Klingelhöferstraße 7, 10785 Berlin, Germany. The terms and conditions set out below provide for the rights and obligations enjoyed by, respectively incumbent on, the host and each user of the website.

(2) The host is operating the Platform so as to enable users to register on the Platform, to present themselves, to connect with other initiatives and to collaborate with them using some digital co-working tools.

Section 2 – Access requirements, registration

(1) Each visitor to the site will be able to view the initiatives’ profile page and the projects published without needing to meet any particular requirements.

(2) Anyone wishing to have their own initiative’s profile and publish their own project ideas, to add to the discussions or to modify such contributions, will need to register previously.

(3) Any natural person that is part of an initiative, a city or region or a project group may register on the Platform their email address, and a password that they themselves have selected. When registering on the Platform, it is necessary for users to provide personal information (names and surnames) which are then publicly visible on the Platform. Further information may be added on a voluntary basis. Where the host accepts the application for registration, the registered user will receive a corresponding confirmation via email. The members of already registered “movers” need to request an invitation from the administrator of the respective mover’s profile.

(4) Only one registration may permissibly be filed per natural person. It is not permissible to register on behalf of third parties. The host reserves the right to terminate any user relationships without notice if they are based on one and the same natural person having registered several times, or having done so on behalf of a third party.

(5) The use of the Platform is free of charge.

(6) By registering as user on www.europebottomup.eu, the registered user agrees to receive emails in regular intervals. The emails provide information about the Europe Bottom-Up members’ activities and other Platform-related developments. For more information, see the corresponding paragraph Mailings in the Privacy Policy.

Section 3 – Registration on the Platform, rights granted

(1) Registered users may submit project ideas to the Platform, which will be published on the Platform and which will be publicly accessible. Registered users may post and discuss topics on the forum and can decide if their posts are made public or only accessible to other registered users of the Platform. Registered users are given access to a Nextcloud account with a storage space of XX MB.

(2) In submitting a project idea, the user assures that this is his or her own or from the initiative or working group they represent. To the extent that any third parties have assisted with developing the project idea, the user submitting it assures that all parties assisting with it have agreed to submitting such project idea.

(3) The user grants the right to the host to publish, reproduce, and make publicly accessible all component parts of the project idea (texts, image data, video data, audio and other data), providing the name of the initiative or the project group in so doing, and to otherwise disseminate such component parts both on the Platform and in any printed products that the host may prepare in the context of its activities and/or in order to promote its activities as set out in the statutes. The right is granted as a non-exclusive right that is unlimited in terms of its duration and its geographic extent.

(4) The rights granted pursuant to paragraph 3 also comprise the right to grant said rights to the Federal Foreign Office, 11013 Berlin, Germany, with whom the host collaborates and from whom the host receives funding, the intention being to allow the grantees to use the corresponding materials to document and advertise the Platform and their work in accordance with their articles.

(5) The user guarantees to the host that they hold all of the required rights to all component parts of their profile and projects; this concerns in particular the personal rights of persons shown in any photographs or videos submitted. The user releases the host liability for any and all claims that third parties may raise vis-à-vis the host for any potential violation of their rights by the material submitted. This claim to be released from liability also covers the costs, which may need to be incurred in such context, of appropriately reviewing the matter and, should the case arise, of mounting a legal defence, unless the user is not responsible for the objection raised by the third party.

(6) The rights are granted at no charge.

(7) In all other regards, the terms and conditions the host has put in place for the usage of the Platform shall apply; these are available for review here. The host may refrain from accepting any applications or publishing any project ideas or content if the content submitted is not compliant with the Platform criteria. This provision shall not affect any other grounds for rejection, such as obvious violations of the law.

Section 4 – Co-working tools

(1) Registered users have the opportunity to discuss the project ideas that other users have posted or to open new discussions by posting contributions via the Forum function of the Platform. Contributions can be made in any language.

(2) Contributions must be fact-based and neutral in tone; they may not be insulting and may not have content that is prohibited under criminal law or civil law. For further guidelines on communicating on the site, please see our Netiquette, which is available for review online here (link)

(3) The granting of rights pursuant to Section 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to contributions.

Section 5 – Termination of the user relationship

(1) Each user may terminate his or her user relationship by correspondingly notifying the host.

(2) The termination of a user relationship does not affect the rights granted to the host until that time; instead, these rights shall continue in force. Any rights of the user that are, by law, inalienable, such as the right to revoke the rights granted, shall remain unaffected hereby.

(3) The Platform is being operated for an indefinite period; the users do not have a claim to its term being unlimited.

Section 6 – Liability for content

The processes of the Platform are automated, in particular the publication of project ideas and contributions to discussions. The host will not review the data submitted, prior to their publication, as to whether or not their content is appropriate and/or factually correct, nor will the host review them for any violations of the law. However, the host enters into obligation to immediately follow up on any specific indications that data are problematic.

Section 7 – Final provisions

(1) The use of the Platform is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, to the exclusion of the choice of law rules of private international law. This choice of law shall not apply inasmuch as it would restrict mandatory statutory rights of a consumer having his or her permanent residence abroad.

(2) The host set out in Section 1 hereof is the controller for data protection matters. The provisions of the Privacy Policy published here (link) apply





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