Welcome to the platform Europe Bottom-Up!

In order to have a fair and respectful discussion here, please observe the following rules before posting a comment or some content:

  • We welcome constructive, factual comments that contribute to the discussion and maintain a polite tone.
  • However, comments that are illegal, pornographic, discriminatory, racist, sexist or otherwise offensive will not be accepted.
  • Comments that are harmful to reputation or business, contain advertising or incite to commit a crime also have no place here.
  • We therefore reserve the right to remove or delete comments before publication if they do not comply with our netiquette and to remove their authors from our platform.
  • Please also remember to refer to the authors of quotations, pictures and videos.
  • Please don’t spam! Spamming – another word for sending the same or similar messages lots of times – is annoying.
  • Don’t do or say anything you wouldn’t do in real life and be considerate of others.
  • Be yourself – in order to be able to let you join the platform, we need to know what organisation you are part of and what is your role in it.
  • No fake identities are allowed on the platform.
  • Gender-sensitive language – We strive to use gender-sensitive language in our communication. Our guest authors decide for themselves how to gender their contributions.

Thank you very much! We look forward to the exchange and collaboration.


    Please request an invitation from the Initiative/Project Group/City Administration Admin


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