Artists and Cultural Initiatives for Europe

About us

Mission Statement: In this project group, cultural organisations and artists network with each other and publicly declare their support for Europe and their work.

Description: In recent years, the European project has lost support. The growing populism throughout Europe, coupled with Euroscepticism, is challenging the European Union. It is therefore all the more important that not only politicians promote the European project, but especially the EU citizens themselves and their organisations. For it is they who make up Europe and should help to shape it. This includes all areas, especially the initiatives based in culture.

That is why we invite cultural organisations to see themselves as participants in an “Alliance for Europe”. An alliance for Europe under whose name they run their events, so that Europe is always in their thoughts and promoted. Joint cultural initiatives strengthen cohesion across all borders. It is a matter of setting an example by publicly declaring one’s support for Europe. We want to use the platform to promote this European cohesion by means of examples as well as practical possibilities for networking.


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