#MMN_ Migrant Media Network by r0g_agency
Berlin, Banjul, Accra
About us
The #MMN Migrant Media Network project ( by rOg_agency) is an information campaign and a Youth Empowerment project that is aimed at reducing irregular migration and uncovering the lies of human smuggling about migration to Europe. We do this by making sure that potential migrants get factual and truthful information on migration/ dangers of irregular migration/ human smuggling and opportunities at home as alternatives to irregular migration. In this, we involve young and committed #MMN coordinators in the communities we work, as well as young diaspora residing in Germany as trainers and influencers.
Here an interview with #MMN by IOM: https://migrantmedia.network/iom_germany-qa-with-two-team-members-of-the-migrant-media-network/
The chosen Gambian/ Ghanaian #MMN coordinators and diaspora residing in Germany have been trained on the dangers of irregular migration and the importance of social media sensitization. The aim is to have the Gambian/ Ghanaian local and diaspora influencers become aware of the need for telling the truth and posting responsibly on social media as well as the need to evaluate social media messages critically and consequently become trainers on the same in the rural areas of The Gambia/ Ghana. They distribute the offline materials in schools, churches, community houses etc. in countries of origin (pick-points). They are also the contact persons for the potential migrants in question regarding life in Germany and regular vs. irregular migration, via regular round table meetings.
To implement our work we developed different tools:
The SMART MIGRATION GUIDE & GAME: https://migrantmedia.network/smart-migration-guide/
The #MMN offlineApp: https://migrantmedia.network/mmn-offline-app/
The #MMN USSD system: https://migrantmedia.network/ussd/
The #MMN podcast: https://migrantmedia.network/podcast-the-gambia/
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