- Civil society
- Democracy and participation
- Migration and inclusion
- Municipal and regional experience
- Periphery
- Sustainability
- Youth and education
- Antidiscrimination, equity and empowerment
Wir sind Europa / We are Europe
About us
The Members of We are Europe are people from science, media and culture. They want to bring cities and their inhabitants out of the role of concerned spectators into the role of co-responsible actors. Together, they will explore where the responsibility of individual citizens and the cultural potential of municipalities can lie for the success of Europe.
The goal of We are Europe is to get young people, above all, excited about Europe. To this end, it aims, by way of well-prepared visits to European cities, to enter into open and unbiased dialogue with the local residents, in the hope of ultimately giving them a new perspective on Europe’s significance and, in the best case, getting them to participate in its development. We are Europe shares its experience in visiting European partners on the platform, in order to generate and collect further examples of European dialogue formats and also enters into dialogue with interested municipal governments, in order to prepare new visits, make contacts, and promote their contribution to the strengthening of the European project at the local level.
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