Assistance for people in Ukraine and refugees in Berlin
by Stiftung Zukunft Berlin
Berlin, Germany
The Stiftung Zukunft Berlin sees itself as a forum for civic co-responsibility. Our commitment is based on the conviction that such active responsibility on the part of civil society is an essential pillar of liberal democracy. We are committed to cohesion in the city, in the region and in Europe; that is why we strengthen the constructive forces of society that are oriented towards the common good.
Hundreds of committed citizens are involved in the Stiftung Zukunft Berlin for the common good. Many of them are currently active with their respective organisations or in private initiatives to organise help for the people in the Ukrainian war zone and for those who have been forced to flee by the war. We would like to make their commitment visible with this compilation.
Please support their work according to your possibilities!
Cultural Train Berlin-Breslau in Humanitarian Action
Created as part of our Wrocław-Berlin 2016 project, the Kulturzug is already in its seventh year of transporting people interested in culture back and forth between Berlin and Wrocław. Now, until further notice, it is on a DAILY humanitarian mission from Wrocław to Cottbus and Berlin. The journey is FREE for Ukrainian citizens, as is the onward journey in Germany.
The team needs support to take care of the people from Ukraine:
– Volunteers with Russian/Ukrainian language skills who can help on selected days on these trips. Please send us your CV by e-mail at
– Please send monetary donations to the Deutsch-Polnische Gesellschaft Berlin e.V. with the earmarking “Kulturzug/Ukraine” and details of the donation receipt.
Allianz Kulturstiftung: Solidarity Concert at the Akademie der Künste on 23 March 22
The Allianz Kulturstiftung, long-time partner of our initiative A Soul for Europe, and Outernational, in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste Berlin, are organising a solidarity evening for Ukraine on 23 March 2022. The centrepiece will be an Outernational concert by Ukrainian singer Mariana Sadovska entitled “Songs of Wounding”.
Admission for a donation. The solidarity concert will raise funds for two initiatives that are currently providing aid on the ground and for civilians and journalists who have fled: Ukraine-Hilfe Berlin and n-ost.
More information about the concert.
Initiative Berliner Kulturfördergesetz: Report own possibilities for help
Several co-initiators of our Berlin Forum, including the Landesmusikrat Berlin, the Paritätische Berlin, associations in the EKBO and cultural workers at ver.di, are part of an alliance of associations and societies that are campaigning for a Berlin Cultural Promotion Act. In order to better coordinate the numerous offers of help from Berlin cultural workers for refugees from Ukraine, the initiative has created a questionnaire.
If you can and would like to help, please register here
MitOst e.V.: Help for local civil society organisations
MitOst e.V., a long-standing partner of our activities in the European field, is a non-profit association based in Berlin that promotes cultural exchange, active citizenship, social cohesion and the sustainable development of cities and rural areas – across cultural, sectoral or linguistic borders.
MitOst coordinates the collaborative efforts of civil society organisations that are directly supporting on-the-ground efforts to secure people, provide protection, facilitate evacuations, and connect to temporary accommodation. Our role involves bridging communications, directing financial support, needs assessments and connecting networks and offers of support.
To the action and donation page
Belius Foundation: “Coordination and Action Hub” of Private Initiatives and Aid Offers
The Belius Foundation of Andreas Krüger, responsible for our initiative Cluster Creative Industries, organises a “Coordination and Action Hub” of private initiatives and aid offers. There you can bring in your own initiatives or resources, get involved in relief actions or can take over their costs – for example for the logistics of providing relief goods or transporting people of refugees.
Further information here.
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